How Long Do You Sterilize Baby Bottles?
To begin the sterilizing process, first make sure to remove all milk residue. This can be done by simply cleaning the bottles with warm water and soap. Use a scrub brush to remove any dried-on milk particles. Pay special attention to the lids and nipples. These pieces have more small spaces that can trap milk residue. It may be necessary to soak them in hot water for 20 minutes or more to loosen the particles before using a scrub brush to completely remove them.
The heat involved in sterilization can damage some bottles. If a bottle can't handle the heat of sterilization, you may not want to use it to feed your baby. If a bottle can't stand up to the sterilization process, it may make your child sick. The cleaning instructions and material used for the bottle can be found on the label of the bottle.
To sterilize a bottle, some people will put it in the dishwasher. Unfortunately, the common household dishwasher does not actually get hot enough to sterilize the feeding equipment. To hold the bottle at the optimal temperature for the optimal time, simply place the bottles in a pot of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. Once boiling is complete, place the bottles on a clean rack to dry. This rack should not be used for any other purpose, as it may become contaminated.
Throw Them Out
When a clear plastic bottle begins to show sigh of wear or scratch marks, you may want to throw it in the recycling bin. Scratches or stress points are weakened plastic that can harbor bacteria. These bacteria are killed through sterilization, but the cell structure remain in the plastic and later can be released into the milk. Infants with compromised or low immunity may become sick from these bacterial foreign bodies.