Treatment of GERD in Infants
Formula Changes
Formula changes can be an effective treatment for GERD. These changes include changing the type of formula, composition of the formula or eliminating the formula all together and breastfeeding.
Feeding Techniques
Changes in feeding techniques such as feeding in an upright position and feeding less at a time can be used as a treatment of GERD in infants.
Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonists
Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonists are used to treat GERD in infants by blocking acid production. These receptors include medications like Pepcid AC.
Proton Pump Inhibitors
Proton Pump inhibitors prevent or reduce the amount of acid produced in the stomach. Commonly taken proton pump inhibitors include Nexium and Prilosec. These inhibitors can be used to treat GERD in infants.
Surgery is often the last resort in treating GERD in infants. This surgery involves wrapping the distal esophagus with the upper part of the stomach.