How to Cure Puffy Red Eyes in a Baby
Things You'll Need
- Saline solution
- Johnson's Baby Wash & water
- Eye dropper
Treatment of Red, Puffy Eyes
Cuddle baby as if you are feeding him a bottle. You should be able to control the baby's arms better this way. He will not like this, so you need to make sure you are holding on so that the baby is not hurt.
If using a saline solution, put a couple of drops into the baby's affected eye(s). Have a tissue handy to wipe up any drips. This may take a few attempts before you are successful.
If using the Johnson's Baby Wash soap, get a cup and add 1 tsp. of the soap with about 1 cup of water. Mix together.
Cradling the baby as if feeding, use the eye dropper to wash the eye with the diluted soap solution. Apply several drops into the eye(s) that are red and puffy. This baby shampoo is "tear-free," so it will be safe to use on the baby.
Try gently using a cold compress on the baby's eyes to sooth them.