What Causes Yeast Infection in Babies?
Before Birth
If the mother receives antibiotics shortly before birth or during labor, the baby also receives the dose and is more susceptible to yeast infection.
At Birth
If the mother has a vaginal yeast infection, the baby can contract it while passing through the birth canal.
After Birth
Yeast infection can be caused by antibiotics or steroids administered to the baby.
Breastmilk has antibodies that protect against yeast, but practices such as wearing plastic-lined nursing pads that don't allow airflow for long periods and untreated nipple cracks can cause yeast overgrowth that is passed on to the baby.
Mother's Lifestyle
Breastfeeding mothers who take oral contraceptives and consume large amounts of dairy and sugar can increase the risk of yeast infection in their baby.
These causal factors will not cause a yeast infection in all babies, but if a yeast infection is present, it is likely because of these factors.