Prevention of Kernicterus
Understanding the Cause of Kernicterus
Kernicterus is a disease that affects babies after they are born. In this condition, excessive amounts of bilirubin build up in the blood stream and cause brain damage. Approximately 60 percent of newborns in the United States develop jaundice (which is easily identified with yellowing of the skin, yellowing of the sclera of the eyes and blood tests). Prolonged exposed to bilirubin severely damages the brain and can result in death or lifelong illnesses like cerebral palsy, problems with vision, hearing difficulties and mental retardation. This is a very serious medical condition, but the good news is that it can easily be prevented with proper medical care. Before your baby develops kernicterus, there will be signs of jaundice. When jaundice is left untreated, that is when kernicterus begins to develop. The key to prevention is early diagnosis and quick treatment to control the level of bilirubin.
Treating jaundice and removing the dangerous bilirubin is the way to prevent kernicterus. Jaundice treatments like phototherapy (placing the baby under a special light) is quite effective in reversing the condition. The light introduces a blue color that helps to change the bilirubin into a water-soluble form that your baby's body can more readily eliminate. If your baby has reached high or dangerous bilirubin levels, there are more aggressive treatments like an exchange transfusion. This procedure rapidly removes the toxic substance from your baby's bloodstream. If your baby is exhibiting signs of acute kernicterus, brain damage is already occurring. Symptoms include high-pitched cry, arching of the back, fever, decreased appetite and abnormal tone. Immediate emergency treatment is crucial to prevent further damage and to reverse some of what has already been done. Treatment in this case usually involves triple-bank phototherapy treatment with the lights being placed as closely to the baby as possible. Do not allow your doctor to wait for bilirubin results to come back before beginning treatment--time is essential!
If your baby is already exhibiting symptoms, it is not too late to treat. Some damage may be reversible and the sooner the bilirubin levels are reduced, the less damage will be done to your baby's brain. The key to preventing kernicterus is to quickly treat any jaundice in your baby. Reducing bilirubin levels to the normal range will prevent kernicterus from developing. If you suspect that your baby is exhibiting any signs or symptoms, seek immediate medical attention. Never forget that you are your baby's advocate--if your baby is jaundiced, demand immediate treatment even before the bilirubin levels come back from the lab.