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How Much Sleep Does a Toddler Require?
12 Months
At the age of 12 months, a toddler needs to sleep about 11 ¼ hours at night and also needs two daytime naps totaling about 2 ½ hours.
18 Months
At the age of 18 months, a toddler needs to sleep about 11 ¼ hours at night and also needs one daytime nap that is about 2 ¼ hours long.
2 Years Old
At the age of 2, a toddler needs to sleep about 11 hours at night and also needs one daytime nap that is about 2 hours long.
3 Years Old
At the age of 3, a toddler needs to sleep about 10 ½ hours at night and also needs one daytime nap that is about 1 ½ hours long.
Sleep Variations
Toddlers may need as much as 2 hours more or 2 hours less sleep than the averages reported above.