Home Remedies for Infant Diarrhea
Hydration Is the Key
The most important thing to remember when an infant is suffering from diarrhea is to keep the child hydrated. Infants can quickly become dehydrated and even die from dehydration within a few days. Hence, the key to treating diarrhea is keeping your small one hydrated. For parents who are breastfeeding or using formula, if is often best for you to continue doing so.
It is not uncommon for a pediatrician to recommend an oral rehydration solution (ORS) to aid in hydration of a mildly dehydrated child. Ask your pediatrician his thoughts on you preparing your own ORS at home if necessary; mix a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar in a glass of purified water to create a clear solution.
Foods That Bind
Some foods help to bind up the stool more than others, and these foods should be the basis of your infant's diet while suffering from diarrhea. An easy way to remember these foods is the "B.R.A.T. diet." This includes bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. However, it isn't necessary to limit the diet to these foods: rice cereal, yogurt, white potatoes (mashed is fine) and pastas are also helpful. Finally, a mixture of bananas and carrots (both strained) is claimed to be an excellent remedy for infant diarrhea.
Along these same lines, it is important to avoid foods that are often used to alleviate constipation in infants such as apple juice, dairy products (yogurt being the exception due to its bacteria), apricots, peaches, plums, pears and other foods that are high in fiber.
When feeding an infant with diarrhea, keep the meals small and more frequent throughout the day. This will prevent too much pressure on the digestive tract and allow it time to heal itself.
Other Options
Since teething in infants is commonly accompanied by diarrhea, helping to treat the discomfort of the teething process may be helpful. Try a cool, clean teething toy or massage the gums with your clean hands to relax your baby and provide comfort.
Many parents also have found using gripe water helpful in treating their infants' tummy troubles.