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How to Feed Infants
Proper feedings are important to the health and survival of infants. Newborns need eight to 12 feedings each day during their first month of life. In most cases, babies give off signals, which will let the people caring for them know when it is time for a feeding. As babies grow, their feedings will sustain them longer, and they won't need to eat as often. However, there still will be occasions when they may require more feedings. That's why it's important to follow your baby's lead when it comes to feedings.Things You'll Need
- Breast milk or formula
How to Feed Infants
Prepare to feed the baby as soon as he shows signs of being hungry. A hungry baby may start sucking on a fist, frown as if about to cry or become fussy. Try to start the feeding before the baby gets too upset.
Place the baby in your arms. Position her so that her head is raised slightly higher than the rest of her body. This will prevent milk from sliding into her ear, which can lead to an ear infection.
Carefully tip the bottle so that milk rolls into the nipple and fills it up. This will prevent air from getting in.
Feed the baby until he is full. A full baby will close his mouth and bring his lips together, gradually stop sucking or unlatch from the nipple.
Burp the baby right after the feeding. Sit her on your lap and gently pat her back.