Management of Fever in Infants & Children
Normal Baby Body Temper
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a baby's normal body temperature can range from 97 to 100.4.
Taking the Baby's Temperature
The most accurate method to measure baby's temperature is with a rectal thermometer; however, most parents do not choose to use this method. Other methods include using a pacifier thermometer, ear thermometer or by taking the temperature under the arm with a regular digital thermometer. Caregivers should add 1 degree to under-arm temperature to get a more accurate result.
Fever Reducers
Fever may be reduced by using Tylenol or Motrin. Some babies respond better to one medicine or the other. A doctor may recommend alternating doses of Tylenol with Motrin. Read the package carefully for proper dosing according to baby's age and weight.
Prevent Dehydration
Babies with fever are at risk of suffering from dehydration. They should be offered breast milk or formula often.
Keep the Baby Comfortable
A fever will generally feel warm so the baby should be dressed coolly and should not be bundled up in blankets while sleeping as long as the fever persists. Also, a lukewarm bath may help to bring the baby's temperature down and make her more comfortable.
When to Call the Doctor
If the baby is younger than 3 months old, the caregiver should call the doctor anytime the temperature goes above 100.4 F. If the baby is 3 to 6 months old, the caregiver should call the doctor if the temperature reaches 101 F or higher. For babies over 6 months old, call the doctor if the temperature reaches 103 F or higher.