What Causes Seizures in Babies?
High Fever
Febrile seizures are the most common type of seizure to occur in newborns and babies. Typically, they occur only when a fever spikes rapidly higher than 102 F. A febrile seizure can last either a few seconds or as long as 15 minutes. According to Babycenter.com, about 3 percent to 5 percent of all children from 6 months to 5 years will experience at least one febrile seizure. Febrile seizures are generally not associated with any long-term effects or complications.
Imbalances or Deficiencies
A baby with extremely low blood sugar may have a seizure. Also, low levels of calcium or magnesium may trigger a seizure. An imbalance of sodium in the body or an imbalance of electrolytes also may be responsible for causing a seizure. Sodium and electrolyte imbalance can be caused by water intoxication. Water intoxication occurs when a young baby is given too much water to drink. Babies younger than 6 months old should not be given water at all.
Brain or Spinal Cord Infections
Brain or spinal cord infections such as meningitis and encephalitis may trigger a seizure.. Meningitis is an infection that causes brain and spinal cord's lining to become inflamed. Encephalitis occurs when the brain becomes inflamed as a result of viral infection.
Genetic Conditions
Certain genetic conditions may cause babies to be more likely to suffer seizures. One such condition is tuberous sclerosis. Tuberous sclerosis is characterized by the growth of benign tumors within the body. If tumors develop in the brain, seizures may occur. Neurofibromatosis also may cause tumors to develop in the brain. Angelman's syndrome is rare disorder that can result in neurological abnormalities that trigger seizures. In addition, babies with Down's syndrome are at an increased risk of developing epilepsy as a result of brain anomalies.
Other Causes
Babies may experience a seizure if a brain bleed is present preceding or soon after birth. Also, a baby may have a seizure if he was deprived of oxygen before or soon after birth. Babies who have head injuries may experience seizures. Also, lead poisoning and maternal drug use may cause babies to have seizures.