Signs & Symptoms of Measles in a Baby

Measles is a rare airborne viral illness caused by paramyxovirus. Most babies receive the MMR vaccine to protect them from measles, mumps, and rubella. Babies who have not had the vaccine have a slight chance of contracting measles, which is potentially fatal if serious complications arise.
  1. Incubation Period

    • An infant who is exposed to the measles virus usually begins showing symptoms about 7 to 18 days after exposure. The infant is contagious for four days prior to and four days after the measles rash occurs.

    Early Symptoms

    • The first symptoms of measles are fever, cough, and runny nose. Also, the eyes may be red and watery.

    Koplik's Spots

    • A few days after the first appearance of symptoms, infants will develop spots inside their mouths. They generally appear on the insides of the cheeks and may be tiny, white spots or reddish bumps.

    Skin Rash

    • A few days after the mouth spots appears, a rash will develop on the baby's neck and face and then spread down the rest of the body. The rash typically lasts about 5 days and may be itchy.

    Other Symptoms

    • A baby with measles may also experience stomach upset, diarrhea, and vomiting. The baby's lymph nodes may be swollen.

    Serious Complications

    • Measles can lead to pneumonia and meningitis.

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