Symptoms of Reflux in Babies
Spitting-up or Vomiting
Babies with reflux will spit-up or vomit more than usual, sometimes after every feeding; weight loss may occur because of excessive vomiting. Usually, babies outgrow reflux prior to their first birthday.
Abdominal Pain
Infants with reflux oftendisplay signs of abdominal pain, including arching the back, pulling the legs up toward the chest and waking up crying loudly.
Some babies may cough persistently because stomach contents are backing up into their mouths; this coughing may be worse when lying down.
Feeding Problems
Babies with reflux may refuse to eat or may gag while eating.
Babies with reflux should be held upright for about 30 minutes after each feeding to lessen the occurrence of reflux. Also, smaller and more frequent feedings may also help to ease symptoms. A physician may recommend adding 1 tsp. of cereal for every oz. of formula to help the baby keep food down. Some babies may need to take medication to reduce especially severe symptoms.