Signs of Allergies in Infants
- relates that one baby girl was diagnosed with colic by the doctor, until the mother noticed that the "colicky times" always occurred when the mother ate particular dairy products and then breastfed her daughter. What appeared to be colic turned out to be an allergic reaction to dairy. Some allergies in infants can cause stomach pain, so infants might respond much the way they do when gassy or colicky. If your child exhibits these signs, notice if there is a pattern related to the foods consumed by the breast-feeding mother.
Some infants are allergic to the dairy-based formula they are given and will respond with fussiness due to an upset tummy, according to How do you know if your infant has a milk allergy? Look for the same symptoms of colic, as well as possible gagging, refusing to eat, skin rashes, wheezing, swelling and even bloody diarrhea.
Other foods, such as nuts and shellfish, are common culprits in infant allergic reactions, according to Other likely foods include soy, wheat and eggs, as well as the dairy mentioned above. If mama is breastfeeding and eats these foods, there is a possibility that the infant might have an allergic reaction to them. Signs include possible vomiting, diarrhea, skin hives or rashes or trouble with breathing, according to
Food isn't the only cause of allergies, and though skin hives and rashes might indicate a food allergy, they also might indicate an allergic reaction to some other part of baby's life, from the fabric of clothing to the fragrance in cleansers. If your infant suffers from eczema or another type of dermatitis, advises that you eliminate household products, laundry detergents, soaps and the like that have synthetic dyes, fragrances, bleach or other harsh chemicals in them.
The most extreme sign of infant allergy is anaphylaxis, which is a rare instance of sudden, severe allergic reaction and requires immediate medical attention. Anaphylactic symptoms include difficulty breathing and swelling, especially of the throat, nose and mouth area in the case of food allergies. Hives and even unconsciousness can occur. If any of these signs are present, you should seek immediate medical attention.