How to Prevent and Treat Heat Rash
The only way to prevent heat rash is to not sweat, since that isn't possible the best you can do is try to stay cool and watch your weight. People who are overweight are more prone to heat rash because of the folds in the skin that can become sweaty and irritated.
There are several different treatment option:
* Cool off - spend as much time in an air conditioned or cooled building as possible for a few days.
* Wear loose clothing, preferable of a material that wicks away moisture
* Dust yourself with absorbent powders (baby powder works great)
* Over the counter lotions containing dimethicone will help with the irritation and itching also -
Lukewarm or cool baths help also, keep the following things in mind.
* Take a bath with a few tablespoons of baking soda in the water, this will help with the itching
* Use only mild antibacterial soaps, be sure to rinse and dry well