How to Prevent Infant Formula Allergies
Avoid eating peanuts and nut products during pregnancy, especially if you have a family history of food allergies. Eating peanut products while pregnant may predispose your unborn baby to food allergies, including allergies to milk and soy, which are prevalent in baby formula.
Breastfeed your baby for as long as possible. The act of breastfeeding can help your baby to build up her immune system and avoid allergies. Nursing your baby for six months to a year will help her to avoid developing allergies.
Do not give your baby milk until she is a year old. Holding off on the introduction of cow's milk minimizes the potential that she will develop an allergy to milk. A milk allergy will cause your baby to have an allergic reaction to any milk-based formula.
Do not offer your baby solid foods until she is six months old. Offering solid foods before then can cause your baby to become allergic to certain foods, including those found in formula.