Baby Acne Remedy
There are no clear definite reasons for the development of baby acne. Many doctors believe that babies develop acne due to the crossing of their mother's hormones through the placenta during the last stages of pregnancy. The mother's hormones then trigger the babies oil gland production which results in the development of acne. Babies who breastfeed from mothers who are taking certain medications can also develop baby acne. Certain infant medications may also trigger baby acne breakouts.
Baby acne usually appears within a few weeks of birth on the face especially on the cheeks, forehead and nose. Surprisingly, it can also show up on the neck and back. Baby acne can appear as whiteheads, blackheads and small red bumps that may or may not have puss.
Do not use over-the-counter medications, creams or oils on baby's skin which will further irritate the skin and acne. Wash your baby's skin gently on a daily basis with a mild soap. Avoid scrubbing harshly which will irritate the skin. Use soaps and lotions that are formulated specifically for babies and are free of dyes, perfumes and harsh irritants. Patience is the best remedy for baby acne as it will usually disappear by the time your baby is three to four months old.
Professional Treatment
If baby acne problems persist after your baby is six months old, your pediatrician may choose to remedy the acne with prescription medication or by removal. Prescription medications used to treat your baby's acne are usually topical retinoid creams such as tazarotene, adapalene, and tretinoin. Pediatricians remove severe baby acne irritations with special, sterilized tools such as a comedone extractor.
Baby acne can last for a few weeks and even months. Baby acne can look more severe and even be further irritated when your baby is fussy, crying or upset due to increased blood flow to the head and face regions. Clothing and material washed with harsh detergents can also further irritate baby acne and should be kept away from contact with your baby.
Baby acne is not a result of poor hygiene or cleanliness. Babies that have scaly rash areas may not have baby acne but rather eczema or cradle cap.