Benefits of Using a Video Baby Monitor
Peace of Mind
A video baby monitor provides greater peace of mind for a parent than an audio monitor because of the additional information it offers. A visual picture allows parents to be aware of their child's position, safety and crib habits even when the child is being quiet. It also helps parents to sleep well at night, giving them full confidence that they can check on their baby at any time without even getting out of bed.
Scope of Monitoring
A video monitor allows parents to supervise a wider variety of their child's crib activities than simply the noises he makes in bed. If a child is repeatedly throwing up in his bed, a video monitor may reveal that he is gagging himself, or if he is pulling things into his crib from a nearby table, a video monitor may show how he is managing the feat so it can be avoided in the future.
Watching Without Waking
Parents often feel the need to regularly check on their child during her nap or in the night to be sure she is sleeping, breathing and resting comfortably. A video monitor easily meets this need without the risk of waking the child.
Shared Bedroom
When an older sibling shares a baby's room, a video monitor can help parents supervise the older child's interaction with the younger child. A parent can allow the two children to nap in the same room, knowing that the monitor will reveal when the older child wakes, before that child is able to unintentionally put the baby at risk by dropping toys into the crib or climbing into the crib.
Health Concerns
A video monitor can serve as a helpful tool for enhancing the health and safety of children with physical problems. For example, a video monitor can alert parents to a child's asthma or allergy attack that may be undetectable on an audio monitor. For children with skin problems such as eczema, a video monitor can alert parents to a child's scratching and discomfort.