How Long Does Baby Acne Last?
Time Frame
Baby acne, while sometimes visible at birth, usually does not become evident until two to three weeks after delivery. Parents often confuse small bumps present on a newborn's face at birth, called milia, as baby acne, but milia will disappear within a few weeks, while baby acne persists.
How long does baby acne last? In most cases, baby acne will go away on its own within three weeks to three months. If after three months the baby acne shows no signs of improvement, parents should point out the acne at their child's wellness visit to see if there is an underlying skin condition that needs to be addressed.
Before concerning themselves with how long baby acne lasts, new parents should be aware of the features of baby acne to ensure that that is what their babies have and not eczema, cradle cap, or another more serious rash or skin condition. Baby acne appears as little whiteheads surrounded by pink or red skin, usually on the cheeks, chin, forehead, or back. Often the acne becomes more pronounced if the baby is agitated, hot, or if his skin is irritated, either by certain types of clothing, spit-up or drool.
There is nothing that parents can do to prevent baby acne, because doctors believe it might be caused by hormones the baby was exposed to during pregnancy. However, parents can take certain precautions to prevent baby acne from worsening, in turn possibly shortening how long baby acne lasts in their child. Parents should wash their baby's face with warm water and mild baby soap once or twice a day and then gently pat it dry, but should avoid scrubbing the acne or using creams, oils, or over-the-counter acne medications, because these will only cause the acne to worsen.
While parents may find baby acne particularly disconcerting, they should be comforted to know that the acne does not disturb their baby or cause her any discomfort. The condition is merely superficial, and while it can prevent a baby from looking her best, it is completely normal and will not last long.
The current prevailing school of thought when it comes to baby acne is that the condition is caused by hormones during pregnancy, but many doctors believe more research is needed to determine the precise cause of baby acne to better understand why only some babies have the condition. Further study may also help better pinpoint how long baby acne will last in newborns and why newborn boys are more likely to develop the condition than girls.