The Effects of Anesthesia on the Fetus
Neonatal Jaundice
One suspected effect of anesthesia during labor is neonatal jaundice. There is no definite research results indicating all babies will have jaundice or that those that do have it because of anesthesia during labor. However, some studies have results that point to neonatal jaundice as a possibility in some babies.
Drowsiness at Birth
Although the research on anesthesia and its effect on the fetus has unclear results many babies born to mothers who used anesthesia are drowsy. This is most likely due to the way the anesthesia affects the baby's system.
Poor Sucking Reflex
Research also suggests the possibility that anesthesia in utero results in difficulties latching on to breastfeed and a poor sucking reflex immediately after delivery. Over the period of a few hours the effects of the anesthesia wear off and babies should have no problems breastfeeding. There are some babies that will be born with poor sucking reflex and difficulty breastfeeding regardless of whether anesthesia is used. However, research shows that more babies born to mothers who used anesthesia during labor have poor sucking reflexes. Research is still unclear on how anesthesia could cause a poor sucking reflex.
Trouble Positioning for Delivery
The anesthesia during labor appears to affect some babies in regards to positioning for delivery. It's important for baby to be in the right position for delivery to go smoothly. Studies show that more fetuses tend to have trouble with positioning themselves for delivery when anesthesia is used.
Decreased Fetal Heart Rate
Anesthesia used during labor has been known to cause decreased fetal heart rate. Because of this, doctors monitor the fetus' heart rate throughout labor and will have the mother move from side to side to speed up the delivery process. If the heart rate remains slow and delivery is not progressing an emergency C-section will be performed.