How to Relieve Chest Congestion in Babies
Things You'll Need
- Car seat
- Vapor rub
- Humidifier or vaporizer
- Bulb syringe
- Saline
How to Relieve Chest Congestion in Babies
Keep the nose clear of buildup. To do this, take a small amount of saline solution and drip it into the nose. Wait about 3 minutes and then use a bulb syringe to clear out the nose. Do this every couple hours to help remove some of the mucus before it can drip down the back of the baby's throat.
Use a humidified or vaporizer. Using a vaporizer or humidifier in your baby's room can help loosen up the mucus in the nose and chest helping to relieve the congestion. Be sure that the machine is not directly next to the child's crib. There are also menthol products available that have been specifically made for babies that you can add to many vaporizers to help ease congestion.
Rub a small amount of baby-strength vapor rub on the child's chest. Be sure to test a small area first to be sure your baby does not have an allergic reaction to the gel.
Run a hot shower and sit with your child in the bathroom. The steam from the shower will help loosen up the mucus in your child the same way a humidifier would. Be sure to change your baby into dry clothes if you remain in the bathroom long enough for them to become damp.
Have the child sleep in an elevated position. The easiest way to do this is to place your child into his car seat after they have fallen asleep. This will keep the mucus from building up inside the chest while your baby sleeps. This should only be a temporary option.