Toddler Development at 2 Years Old
Cognitiven Skills
Your 2-year-old should be learning to engage in imaginary play, as well as be learning to sort colors and shapes.
Emotional Hallmarks
Developing a sense of independence and becoming defiant are emotional milestones to look for during your toddler's second year.
Language milestones for your 2-year-old include being able to follow simple directions, repeating words he hears you say when you talk to others, and naming familiar people, places and things.
Your 2-year-old should be demonstrating that she can traverse steps while holding on; pull toys like a wagon behind her while walking; and walk and carry one or more small objects, such as toys, simultaneously.
Social milestones to expect for your 2-year-old, include being able to imitate other people's behavior and enjoying the company of other children.