What Age Does a Baby Start to Teethe?

Cutting teeth is an important milestone for all babies. Teeth may cut through the gums with very little discomfort to the baby, or teething may be very upsetting to the baby. Teething pain may be alleviated with Tylenol or baby Orajel. Babies will have 20 teeth by the time they are three years old.
  1. Early Tooth Development

    • Tooth buds develop in the womb and remain under the gums until teething begins.

    Frist Tooth

    • Some babies cut their first tooth as early as three months, but on average most babies cut their first tooth between four and seven months. Also, some babies may not cut their first tooth until around the age of one. Usually the first teeth to appear will be the bottom two teeth.

    More Teeth

    • After the bottom two teeth come in, then usually the top two teeth come in, followed by the ones on the side and finally the back teeth.

    Symptoms of Teething

    • When babies are beginning the teething process, parents may notice an increase in drooling, and they may also notice that they baby's gums are swollen. The baby may be unusually fussy, refuse to eat and have trouble sleeping.

    Caring for Baby's New Teeth

    • During the baby's first year, teeth can be cleaned with a washcloth. Afterward, the teeth should be brushed using a toothbrush and baby toothpaste with NO fluoride in it. Also, the baby's first dentist appointment should be scheduled sometime after her first birthday.

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