Reflux in Newborns
Reflux refers to heartburn due to stomach acid and milk flowing back into the esophagus as a result of newborns' immature digestive systems. Only a doctor can diagnose your baby with reflux. If your baby has health issues or cries a lot, see your pediatrician.
Excessive Crying
Infant reflux can cause your baby to cry quite a lot. As any adult with chronic heartburn knows, it can be quite painful. It's not so different for infants, and they will share their pain with you by bawling.
Excessive Spitting Up
A baby who seems to spit up gallon upon gallon of stinky white stuff probably has reflux. After feeding, milk or formula comes back up the baby's esophagus and ends up on your shoulder, her sheets, basically everywhere.
Treating With Medication
There are things you can do to help a baby with reflux to be more comfortable and cry less. Medicine to treat reflux, such as Prevacid, can be prescribed by a pediatrician. There are also over-the-counter remedies, such as Gripe Water, that claim to ease the stomachache. Parents should consult with their doctor before giving their baby any treatment.
Other Treatments
Keeping the baby in an upright position after eating should help her meal to stay in her stomach. To ease crying, some tried and true techniques are:
* Swaddling (be careful not to overheat the baby)
* White noise such as running water, a vacuum cleaner or radio static
* Bouncing, rocking or swinging