Acid Reflux Symptoms in a Baby
Frequent Vomiting
Though nearly all babies spit up occasionally, a baby with acid reflux will spit up larger amounts of fluid, and may show projectile vomiting. He will likely vomit after nearly every feeding.
Persistant Cough
A baby with GER may have a cough that's not related to a cold or allergy. The cough may be triggered when acid reflexes up the esophagus, which results in a spasm of the airways and is occasionally the only symptom of GER.
Poor Growth
A baby with GER may be underweight or not gain weight quickly enough, the result of not digesting enough food. Parents should check with their pediatrician to ensure the baby is gaining weight at an appropriate pace.
Difficulty Feeding
Feeding may be uncomfortable and even painful for an infant with reflux. A baby with reflux may not be able to handle as much food as a same-size baby, and may cry, arch his back and be irritable when being fed.
Less Common Symptoms
Other, less frequent, symptoms of GER include difficulty swallowing, frequent sore throat, frequent ear infections and excessive drooling.