How to Stop a Toddler From Coughing
Things You'll Need
- Yogurt
- Juice
- Broth
- Karo syrup
- Chewable acidophilus
- Vicks VapoRub
Vacuum all carpets. Babies crawling on the floor may come in contact with chemicals, dust, pet dander or dust mites that can prompt an allergic reaction and coughing.
Offer liquids. Water, diluted fruit juice and clear broth are all excellent ways of keeping the child hydrated, and make great expectorants.
Feed the toddler plain (non-sugared) yogurt. The "friendly" bacteria in yogurt help fight off infection and support the immune system. This is particularly important to have if a doctor has the child taking a prescription for antibiotics. Without the good bacteria that can be destroyed by antibiotics, uncontrolled yeast can form and actually travel to the sinuses. Sinus draining is a major cause of coughing.
Try karo syrup. Karo syrup can coat the throat and reduce coughing. But remember, like any syrup, it is loaded with sugar. A healthy kid filled with sugar is a bad idea; a sick, coughing youngster hyped up on sugar is even worse, so be moderate in your dosage. Do not give Karo if the child is on antibiotics.
Check out children's chewable forms of acidophilus. This is another way to create intestine-friendly bacteria.
Smooth Vicks VapoRub on the bottom of the child's feet. Smooth on the ointment and cover with socks. This is an old wives' remedy, but many children and adults claim to benefit from it. It won't hurt, and it could solve the problem.
Get medical advice. Consult your physician if the cough persists throughout the night or the child has a fever and trouble breathing.