How to Sterilize Plastic Baby Bottles
Things You'll Need
- Plastic baby bottles Microwaveable or electric steam sterilizer Large pot With lid Steamer insert Water Kitchen tongs Towel
Sterilizing Your Baby Bottles
Bring water to a boil in your pot on the stove top. Place bottles into the boiling water and boil for at least 10 minutes. Remove from the boiling water with tongs and lay them on towels to cool and dry.
Microwave or electric steam sterilization: Fill the sterilizer with water to the designated fill point. Insert your bottles into the steaming rack, replace cover and use according to manufacturer's instructions. These differ from model to model, but you should expect 8-to-15 minutes of steaming time depending on whether you have chosen to use a microwave or an electric sterilizer. Whichever sterilizer you choose to use, allow your bottles to cool--with the cover off of the sterilizer--for at least 5 minutes before touching.
Stove top steam sterilization: Fill your large pot with several inches of water. Place your steamer insert into the pot, allowing several inches clearance above the water line. It's best to use a large stock pot to ensure that you have ample room. Place your bottles in the steamer insert and bring the water to a boil. Cover the pot, and allow the bottles to steam for a period of no less than 10 minutes. Then remove the pot from the heat, and remove the cover from the pot. Allow the bottles to cool for at least 5 minutes prior to handling.