How to Put a Baby to Sleep With Pacifier
Things You'll Need
- Pacifier
- Rocking chair
- Baby blanket
Feed your baby before bedtime. Often, babies get very drowsy when they are feeding, and start to fall asleep anyway. If that happens, you can do without the pacifier and put your baby to sleep.
Set the lights low and swaddle your baby in a blanket. Give him a pacifier.
Sit in a comfortable rocking chair with your baby. Rock her gently while singing to her.
Observe your baby as she drifts off. Some babies lose their pacifiers as they start to fall asleep. Some babies wake up when this happens, while others keep dozing. If your baby wakes up when he loses his pacifier, keep your fingers near his mouth to keep it from falling out. If your baby doesn't wake up, let the pacifier fall out.
Gently place your baby down to sleep. Leave the pacifier in.
If your baby wakes in the middle of the night because her pacifier falls out, try just giving her the pacifier. For some babies, this is enough to get back to sleep. If this doesn't work for your baby, you may have to rock her and put her to sleep again.