How To Treat Head Lice in Infants

Head lice can be a hassle no matter who has to endure it. Nowadays there are certain medications that help get rid of head lice a lot quicker but these treatments are only for children above the age of 2. So when your infant gets head lice you might be concerned as to how you need to treat it. You actually have to use the old manual way of removing head lice: your hands. Luckily, most infants don't have a full head of hair so it's actually not as challenging as it may seem.

Things You'll Need

  • Comb (fine-tooth)
  • Hair conditioner
  • Latex gloves (optional)
  • Good light
  • Magnifying glass (optional)
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    • 1

      Shampoo and condition the baby's hair. When your infant's hair is wet it momentarily immobilizes the head lice making it easier for you to find them. Conditioning the hair makes it easier to run a comb through the hair. Use regular shampoo and conditioner as medicated head lice shampoos are not safe for baby's scalp.

    • 2

      Comb and part the hair. Run your comb through the hair and part sections as you check for lice. Remember that lice are very tiny insects and lay eggs (called nits) so it can be difficult to find them. This is where a magnifying glass might come in handy if you choose to use one. Nits will normally be found close to the scalp, but always check every hair to be more cautious.

    • 3

      Repeat steps 1 and 2 every three or four days for two weeks once you find the last of the lice and nits. This will ensure that the lice is gone.

    • 4

      Don't mistake nits for dandruff. This is a very common mistake that many people make.

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      Check behind the ears and the back of the child's neck. Lice and nits are normally found on the scalp but can also be found on the back of the neck and behind the ears. So always double check these areas to make sure there are none.

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