How to Use a Babesafe Mattress Cover
Order the correct size BabeSafe mattress cover for your baby's mattress type and measurements. Size E fits standard U.S. crib mattresses that are 5-inches thick, while size F fits those that are 7-inches thick. Size A fits most bassinets, while size C is designed to fit co-sleepers. Size P is for playpens. Size B fits standard crib mattresses in the United Kingdom.
Remove the mattress from the crib, bassinet or co-sleeper, and slide the BabeSafe cover over the mattress, so that the side with the writing is on the bottom of the mattress.
Remove the yellow strip that covers the adhesive on the end of the mattress cover.
Wrap the open end of the mattress cover snugly over the end of the mattress. Press the adhesive strip to the underside of the mattress to hold it in place. Make sure that the mattress cover seals tightly.
Place the wrapped mattress back in the crib, bassinet or co-sleeper, with the side of the BabeSafe mattress cover that has the writing face down.
Put a 100 percent cotton fitted sheet (or a sheet that is 100 percent wool) on top of the wrapped mattress. Make sure the sheet fits the crib snugly to prevent it from becoming a suffocation hazard. Do not use a mattress pad, waterproof mattress protector or any form of synthetic bedding on top of the BabeSafe mattress cover.