How to Make Babies Sleep All Night
Create a daily schedule for your baby. Try to feed your baby around the same time in the morning, afternoon and evening and put your baby down for a nap at the same time every day. This is way to get your baby to distinguish between daytime (awake time) and nighttime (sleep time).
Find the place where your baby is most comfortable sleeping. This could be in a crib in the baby's own room or in a playpen in your room. Learning the best spot could take some time as you may have to change a few things around to find the perfect room and sleeping surface for your baby. Once your baby is physically and emotionally comfortable, he will be more likely to sleep through the night.
Make the room dark at night. This is another way to help your baby tell the difference between nap time and nighttime. If the room looks the same as it does during the day when your baby naps, your baby will think it is OK to be awake after a couple hours of sleep.
Calm your baby down at least an hour before you lay him down for bedtime. Your baby shouldn't be playing with toys or watching a TV program that may make him excited right before bed. Otherwise, he won't know that it's time to sleep. You don't want to rock your baby during this time so that he sleeps. You just want him to be settled down and ready for bed.
Get your baby into a bedtime routine and stick to that routine every night. There's a reason this is suggested for adults who deal with insomnia. This routine gets both your body and mind ready for bedtime. Doing this for your baby will have the same result. After using the same routine for two straight weeks, your baby will learn when it is time to go to sleep for the night.
Put your baby to bed right before he falls asleep. He should be tired and drifting off but not completely asleep. This way, your baby will learn how to fall asleep for the night by himself without having to be rocked or held. This is especially helpful for those situations when your baby awakes in the night. If he knows how to fall asleep without being rocked, your baby will be more likely to fall back asleep without keeping you up an extra hour during the night.