How to Help Your Older Baby When She Has The Stomach Flu
From my simple steps, you will be able to help your baby when she has gastroenteritis.
Things You'll Need
- time
- baby
- Lysol spray
- warm blankets
- lots of change of clothes
- shower
- baby bodywash
- diapers
- wipes
- Pedialite
- spoon
- noodles
- breastmilk or formula in a bottle. (2-6oz)
First, if you have searched and found this article, chances are your baby has been throwing up or has been having severe diarrhea. Symptoms of gastroenteritis, or the stomach flu include throwing up and or diarrhea. So, if your baby is otherwise healthy and experiencing any of this, realize that she has gotten infected by the virus.
After your baby throws up, spoon feed Pedialite liquid to her one hour after she throws up, every 15- 20 minutes. Do not attempt to feed her yet because chances are she will keep regurgitating. If in a few hours, she seems to desire some milk, you can feed her little by little. If you over feed her, she will throw it up.
Pick up any contaminated clothing, pillows, e.t.c. and spray them with Lysol and throw them in the washer. If any bodily fluids landed anywhere, clean them up promptly and spray Lysol where they had landed. This will help prevent the spreading of the virus.
If your baby threw up on you, and you are both dirty, start the shower or baby bath. The shower or baby bath should be warm (90F, 32C or lower). Clean and dress your baby up first, then put her in a crib or play pen near you and clean yourself up next.
Your baby will sleep a alot while she is sick. Keep her warm and clean at all times. If she had diarrhea, you will smell it, so as soon as you do, clean her up. If her clothes got soiled, promptly wash her and change her. If she is bored, or while she has to wait an hour before getting fed again, put her in a playpen near you with lots of clean toys.
The stomach flu usually goes away after 48 hours. This means that your baby will be resting and eating a little at a time during this period. Make sure you check her for fever periodically, and realize that she needs to have a wet diaper at all times.
If your baby is not vomiting anymore, is feeling much better, and her stool is getting less watery, you can feed her bits of soft noodles. Simply use your clean fingers to break pieces of a noodle and gently place it in her mouth. You can also increase the milk intake by 2 more ounces (above what she had earlier).
If your baby refuses to eat, and she hasn't had a wet diaper for eight hours, you will need to take her to the hospital because she will be suffering from dehydration. Good luck, and I hope your baby feels better.