Autism Symptoms in Newborns
While it's difficult to pinpoint specific behaviors as a sign of autism, newborns with autism are unusually quiet. While other babies are startled or cry due to loud noises, quick changes in light or rapid movements around them, autistic babies tend to react slowly or not at all to their environment. Babies that always sleep through the night, undisturbed by hunger or external factors, may also be displaying signs of autism.
Just a few weeks after being born, babies are already developing their visual skills. This is why many of the toys sold for newborns consist of musical or moving strings that can be hung over the crib. Even if the baby doesn't understand or cannot predict the pattern of the toy, he is still attracted and stimulated by the movement. A newborn that exhibits no interest whatsoever in this kind of plaything may have trouble connecting to his environment.
By the time they reach two months, babies are routinely responding to the presence of their parents with either a smile or a cooing noise. Even before that, however, newborns will make eye contact or change their facial expressions when a familiar face approaches. Newborns who seem unaware of the presence of their parents or caretakers may be exhibiting signs of autism.
Expert Insight
Starting from the time of birth, babies are expected to hit certain milestones as they grow. While no all babies develop at the same pace, frequent or obvious delays can indicate the presence of problems, one of which is autism. Between two and three months, babies start raising their head and moving more when laying on their backs. Younger babies will still move their hands or legs when agitated or happy, something that autistic newborns won't do.
Autistic newborns are neither scared or soothed by the presence of others. This means that a crying or restless baby will not relax when she is picked up or being rocked to sleep. It also means that relaxing sounds, including the voice of a parent, have no effect. When talked to, newborns often recognize the origin of the sound and by the time they are a couple of months old, will start looking directly in the direction the sound is coming from. Autistic babies, on the other hand, will either ignore the sound or be unable to focus on it for more than just a couple of seconds.