How to Cure Colic
Things You'll Need
- patience
- soothing music
- warm bath water
- cuddly blankets
- a good chiropractor
Try swaddling your baby in a soft blanket, not tightly but snugly. Many newborns prefer the feeling of being held closely and cozily in a warm blanket as if they are back in the womb where it was warm and snug. Keeping your baby snugly swaddled may just cure colic.
After you swaddle your baby, try rocking him gently in a rocking chair while making the "sh, sh, sh" sound softly in his ear and rub his back. Or play soft music in the background while softly singing to him. This will calm many babies and perhaps cure colic.
Look in the store for products that are specially designed to cure colic. The most common are CD's and stuffed animals that play the sound of a heartbeat over and over again. Many newborns want to hear the same familiar sounds that they heard constantly for nine months. Even if it doesn't completely stop the screaming, it will surely be a welcome sound for your sweet baby.
You may want to try giving your baby a warm bath to cure colic. Again, the warm, soft, wet feeling of the bath water will imitate the womb environment and be very soothing to the colicky infant.
Perhaps the best and least known way to cure colic is chiropractic care. Taking your newborn infant to a chiropractor may seem a little scary to a new parent, but rest assured, it is perfectly safe and highly effective in curing the symptoms of colic. In many, if not most cases, babies suffer from back and neck trauma while being stuck in the uterus for months with little room to move, followed by a rough entry into the world being squeezed through the birth canal. With a few visits to the chiropractor over several weeks, your baby will be feeling better and better and the crying will lessen with each visit. Having personally taken my colicky newborn to a chiropractor, I can tell you that this method is worth every penny it costs you. Give it a try!