How to Get a Colicky Baby to Sleep
Give your baby a warm bath. If your baby enjoys bath time providing a warm bath can help sooth before bedtime. Being relaxed makes it easier to fall asleep.
Take your baby for a walk in the stroller. Sometimes the motion of the stroller will sooth your baby. Speak to her in a soothing voice, and if she's not crying, keep walking until she drifts to sleep.
Take a ride in the car. Handling a colicky baby can really wear parents out. Taking your little one for a long ride in the car can help. This will give both you and baby a break. Play soft music and sing quietly.
Practice infant massage. If the colic is caused by stomach pains sometimes infant massage can help those areas. Many books and videos have become available that teach techniques to new parents. Rubbing your baby's stomach gently can also work out excess gas.
Consider using a baby carrier. Many colicky babies find relief when being held in a carrier. They can feel close to their parent, while making it easier for you to carry baby around the house.