How to Take A Baby's Temperature Under The Armpit
Things You'll Need
- Digital thermometer
- Probe covers
- Water
- Soap
- Alcohol
Apply a probe cover over the tip of the thermometer.
Hold the thermometer between the thumb and fingers. Turn on the thermometer and make sure that it is zeroed out according to the directions for the thermometer.
Place the tip of the thermometer high up in the baby's bare armpit. lover the baby's arm and hold it firmly across the chest until the thermometer beeps when it is done.
Look at the digital read-out and write down the reading and the time of the day. Discard the probe cover.
Wash the tip of the thermometer with cool water and soap. Wipe it with alcohol and replace it in it's case
If the temperature was above 99.0F, you will want to call your baby's doctor. Taking the temperature of a baby under the armpit usually has approximately 1 degree less than what the actual body temperature is.