How to Fight Jaundice in a Newborn
Allow your newborn's body to fight the jaundice by keeping him in a well lit area for 15 minutes at least twice a day. Sunlight naturally aids the body in the breaking down of bilirubin so that the liver can more easily process it. Often just exposure to sunlight is enough to eliminate yellowing skin.
Speak to your doctor about special sun lamps, or phototherapy lamps, if it proves difficult to expose your child to sunlight, or if two sessions of sun exposure doesn't seem to be helping. With special monitoring and the advice of your doctor, the addition of these lamps to your home can greatly assist in the treatment of jaundice.
Breast feed your baby if at all possible, as your milk contains vital nutrients that your newborn's body needs to not only fight jaundice but to grow strong and healthy.
Consider special formulas that can supplement regular feeding and breast feeding which are specially designed to help fight jaundice. Before switching or supplementing formulas, it is a good idea to speak with a lactation consultant or your pediatrician about all the possible special feeding options.