How to prevent ear infection in infant/toddlers
Things You'll Need
- Healthy environment
Avoid smoking in your home, or allowing anyone else to smoke in your home or near your infant or toddler. Exposure to cigarette smoke increases the risk of ear infections.
Keep your child's exposure to anyone with colds or the flu to a minimum. Ear infections often follow an upper respiratory illness, and the immune system of a baby or toddler is not as effective as that of an older child or adult.
Breastfeed your baby. Breastfeeding is associated with a lower risk of ear infections in babies and toddlers, possibly due to immune-system boosters present in the mother's milk.
Feed your infant in a slightly upright position. This usually isn't an issue for toddlers, who sit up to eat, but in an infant, lying flat to eat can cause milk to pool near the Eustacian tubes, allowing a breeding ground for infection.
Have a single caregiver watch your baby when you cannot, or -- if a daycare situation is necessary -- look for the least crowded daycare you can afford. The more crowded the daycare, the more colds and other infections your infant or toddler is likely to develop, and the greater the risk for ear infection.
Wash your hands before handling your baby or toddler, and encourage other people to do the same.