How to Get Enough Vitamin D
Drink Vitamin D fortified Orange Juice, Milk and other low-fat dairy products. Fortified milk contains approximately 100 IU per 8 ounce serving.
Consume foods high in vitamin D including cheese, butter, egg yolk, margarine, canned mushrooms, and fortified cereals. See image for a table of selected food sources and their amount of Vitamin D.
Eat salmon or other fatty fish as a good vitamin d source. If you don't like to eat fish, a fish oil supplement can help increase your vitamin d intake.
Take a daily multi vitamin with at least 600 units of Vitamin D or buy a vitamin D tablet.
One of the best ways to get Vitamin D is sunshine. A safe amount is 10-15 minutes which will get your body to produce Vitamin D without being a hazard to your skin health. Dr. Holick from Boston University describes sensible sun exposure as the exposure of arms and legs for 5-30 minutes (depending on time of day, season, latitude, and skin pigmentation) between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm twice a week. Check out his review on Vitamin D Deficiency, it is the first resource in the resource list at the end of this article.
Tanning beds are also a good vitamin D source, but when used in moderation. You have to keep in mind the dangers of skin cancer when there is over-exposure. Ultraviolet B radiation is specifically important in getting and maintaining good levels of Vitamin D. Which is what the sun and tanning beds provide.
Vitamin D is essential to quality long term health and the prevention of many diseases and chronic illnesses. The best plan of action is to get your Vitamin D from a combination of sources, including diet and sun exposure. Follow the recommendations of the food pyramid for a healthful diet; make sure you get the vitamins and nutrients you need from a variety of sources.