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How to Make an Oral Rehydration Solution at Home
Things You'll Need
- Handful of sugar
- Pinch of salt
- 1 liter filtered or boiled water
- Container
Boil approximately 1 liter of filtered clean water. Boiling the water will kill any contaminating bacteria and ensure that the water is sterile.
Measure out 1 liter of the boiled water and in a suitable container like a pitcher. Always ensure that anything that is going to be exposed to the solution is clean and as close to sterile as you can make it.
Add to the boiled water a pinch of regular table salt. Stir the solution well and ensure that the salt fully dissolves in the water.
Add a heaping handful of sugar. Regular baking sugar will work for this situation. Stir the sugar into the solution until it dissolves. This solution is now ready to consume. The taste may be gross but it will save lives.