How to Treat a Baby's Cold Naturally
Use some saline drops in the baby's nose. These are available at your local pharmacy. A few drops of breast milk may also be used. After using the drops, use a bulb syringe to clear your baby's nose.
Run a vaporizer or humidifier in your baby's room with the door closed.
Sit in the bathroom with the door closed while you hold your baby. Run hot water in the shower. Don't get in the shower with your baby, just sit in the bathtub or on the toilet where the steam will help clear the baby's breathing.
Keep your baby upright as much as possible to help clear the baby's breathing passage.
Nurse your baby more often if you are breastfeeding. The baby will benefit from the antibodies in your breast milk.
Boil a pot of water, remove it from the stove and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. This will fill the air with a natural decongestant. You may also use a small potpourri crock pot.