How to Know a Baby has Bladder Pain
Monitor your baby's movements every day. Spot any unusual activity and observe it for a day or two. A baby cannot communicate well, therefore it is the parent's duty to recognize any visible change in the baby's body functions and appearance.
Take your child to a pediatrician if he cries whenever he tries to urinate. Bladder problems usually cause severe infection to the genitals. If he urinates too often and contorts his face during urination, it is a sure sign of bladder pain.
Note if your baby cries whenever your hand touches the lower part of his stomach or pelvic area. If the abdomen feels unusually tender, it is a strong sign of a bladder problem.
See if the baby's urine shows any presence of blood. If the symptoms are associated with vomiting, fever, loss of appetite and languid behavior, contact your physician.
Notice visible mood alterations in your baby. If he is continuously irritated by his surroundings and gets uncomfortable quickly, it may be the start of a bladder infection. If his urine smells differently or is cloudy, a bladder infection probably is the culprit.