How to Treat an Infant's Cold
Keep the air moist in the infant's room. This will help keep the mucus in the baby's nose runny. Otherwise, the mucus will dry up and be stuck in the infant's nostrils. To keep the humidity in a room high, run a humidifier during the night.
Drain the infant's nostrils with a nasal aspirator. Keeping the baby elevated will also help empty out the mucus in their nose.
Give the baby a warm bath. This will help regulate their breathing. A baby vapor rub used on the chest can also keep their breathing regular.
Continue to nurse often if you are breastfeeding. You will pass on your immunities to the baby as well as keep their fluid intake high. Consider sleeping close by your baby in order to allow them to nurse as frequently as they like.
Permit the baby to sleep often. Extra naps will help speed up the healing process. Try to sleep when your baby sleeps, just in case the baby is awake most of the night.
Use decongestants in babies that are over 3 months old. These decongestants can help drain the nasal passages.