How to Choose the Right Baby Formula
Things You'll Need
- Baby Bibs
- Baby Bottle Nipples
- Baby Bottles
- Baby Formulas
- Purified Water
Be aware that breast milk is the ideal baby food. If you can't breast-feed, or if you choose not to, commercial iron-fortified infant formula is your next-best option.
Select a formula with a composition of proteins, sodium, fats and sugars simulating that of breast milk. (Most commercial formulas do.) Read labels carefully.
If your baby has diarrhea or gas or seems fussy, he or she may be having trouble digesting cow's milk, on which most formulas are based. Check out lactose-free formulas, but consult your doctor first.
Decide what formula type will work best for your lifestyle and budget: powdered, concentrated or ready-to-use.
Know that powdered formulas are the cheapest and can be bought in bulk; on the other hand, they're more time-consuming to prepare, since you must mix them with water before feedings.
Understand that concentrated liquid (ready-to-pour) formulas come in cans, and you must dilute them with water before using. Discard left-overs within a day.
Note that ready-to-use formulas packaged in individual bottles are the most convenient choice; all you need to do is attach a sterilized nipple. However, this is also the most expensive option.
Read and follow the directions carefully when mixing formula.
Talk to your doctor if you think your baby has a problem with a chosen formula. Avoid switching formulas without consultation.