Is My New Baby Eating Enough?
- Your baby is gaining weight and growing at a steady pace. Ask your doctor or nurse about how much your baby is expected to weigh at different ages.
- Your baby is having wet diapers frequently. Newborn babies should have at least 6 wet diapers a day, and older babies should have at least 4.
- Your baby seems satisfied after eating and is sleeping soundly at night.
- Your baby is producing regular, soft bowel movements.
If you are concerned that your baby may not be eating enough, talk to your doctor or nurse. They can help you assess your baby's feeding and make sure your baby is getting the nutrition they need.
Here are some additional tips for breastfeeding and bottle-feeding your baby:
Breastfeeding Tips
- Breastfeed your baby as often as they want, day and night.
- Offer both breasts at each feeding.
- Make sure your baby is latched on properly.
- Avoid using bottles or pacifiers, as these can interfere with breastfeeding.
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol, as these substances can pass into breast milk.
- Ask for support from a lactation consultant if you are having difficulty breastfeeding.
Bottle-Feeding Tips
- Use a bottle with a slow-flow nipple.
- Hold your baby in an upright position when feeding them.
- Allow your baby to control the pace of feeding.
- Stop feeding your baby when they show signs of being full, such as turning away from the bottle, closing their mouth, or pushing the bottle away.
Remember that every baby is different, and there is no one "right" way to feed your child. If you are concerned that your baby may not be eating enough, talk to your doctor or nurse.