How Can I Babyproof My Nursery?
1. Secure furniture to the wall: Babies can easily tip over furniture, dresser or bookshelves. You need to secure them to the wall to prevent an accident from happening.
2. Install cabinet locks: Toddlers are attracted to drawers, doors, and cabinets, and curious as to what's inside. These can be dangerous if they get access to cleaning products or other potentially toxic items. Install cabinet locks on lower drawers, doors, and cabinets.
3. Cover electrical outlets: Babies and toddlers can stick their fingers or objects into electrical outlets. Purchase and install outlet covers for every electrical outlet in the nursery.
4. Use outlet strip: It's a way to group appliances for easy, one-touch control, it also removes hazards of multiple cords on the floor that could be potential choking hazards.
5. Keep cords and wires out of reach: Babies can accidentally strangle themselves on cords and wires. Keep them out of reach by securing them to walls or the back of furniture.
6. Install window guards: Protect your child from accidental falls from open windows. Install window guards on all windows in the nursery.
7. Use a crib that meets safety standards: Make sure your baby's crib meets the Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSC) safety standards. Inspect the crib regularly for loose screws or other hazards.
8. Use proper bedding: Avoid pillows, blankets, and stuffed toys in the crib. These items can increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Instead, use a fitted sheet and a sleep sack.
9. Install a baby monitor: A baby monitor can help you keep an eye on your baby while you're in another room.
10. Keep hazardous materials out of reach: Keep all hazardous materials, such as cleaning products, medicines, and chemicals, out of reach of children.
11. Maintain the nursery: Keep floors clean, free from anything your baby can choke on. If you have curtains in the nursery, use curtain rods that the baby can't reach.