What are initial step in newborn care nrp?
_These steps involve immediate management of the newborn in the delivery room._
1. _Dry The Baby_ - Immediately after birth, dry the baby with a dry towel to remove any amniotic fluid or blood.
2. _Stimulate Breathing_ - If the baby is not breathing or has weak respirations, gently rub or stimulate the soles of the feet to encourage breathing.
3. _Position The Baby_ - Place the baby in a slightly head-down position (15-30 degrees) to help clear secretions from the airways and prevent aspiration.
4. _Warm The Baby_ - Use a radiant warmer or wrap the baby in a blanket to maintain a neutral thermal environment and prevent heat loss.
5. _Oxygen_ - Administer oxygen if necessary to maintain proper oxygen saturation.
6. _Suction_ - Gently suction the baby's mouth and nose if needed to clear any secretions.
7. _Cut the Umbilical Cord_ - Clamp and cut the umbilical cord approximately 2-3 cm from the baby's abdomen.
8. _Identification_ - Attach identification bands to the baby's wrist or ankle and label the placenta and cord.
9. _Assessment_ - Perform a quick assessment of the baby's heart rate, respiratory rate, skin color, and activity (the Apgar score).
10. _Continue to monitor_ - Monitor the baby's vital signs (heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation) closely.
11. _Keep the baby warm and dry_
12. _Contact the Physician_ - if there are any concerns or complications during these initial steps, notify the attending physician or neonatologist immediately.