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How premature can a baby be born healthily?
While medical advancements have improved the chances of survival for premature babies, the definition of healthy can vary. Generally, the earlier a baby is born, the more likely they are to face long-term health problems. Survival rates increase significantly after 23 weeks of gestation. Babies born before this point face a greater risk of severe complications and require specialised medical care in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
With extensive medical support and advancements in medical technology, some babies born as early as 24-25 weeks have survived without major disabilities. These cases, however, are still considered medically fragile and may require ongoing intervention throughout their development. Babies born before 28 weeks and below a specific birth weight face increased risks of health complications, learning disabilities, and the need for special educational support during childhood. As such, the concept of a "healthy" premature birth largely depends on the gestational age and support provided, and each case should be individually assessed by medical professionals.