How can you make sure that your 2 new baby male guinea pigs get along?
A neutral space is a place where the guinea pigs have not spent a lot of time before, such as a bathtub or an outdoor area. This will help them to feel less territorial and more likely to accept each other.
- Place the two cages side by side with the door facing each other. This will allow the guinea pigs to smell and see each other, but will prevent them from fighting.
- After a few days, switch the cages so that the guinea pigs are sleeping in each other’s territory. This will help to desensitize them to each other’s smells.
- When you introduce the guinea pigs to each other for the first time, do it in a neutral space. This means a space that neither guinea pig has claimed as its territory. This could be a bathtub, a large cardboard box, or even your living room.
2. Provide them with plenty of food and water.
When guinea pigs are stressed, they may become more aggressive. Make sure that they have plenty of food and water to eat and drink so that they are not feeling hungry or thirsty.
3. Supervise their interactions.
When you are first introducing them, it is important to supervise their interactions. This way, you can intervene if they start to fight.
4. Be patient.
It can take time for guinea pigs to get along. Don't be discouraged if they don't become best friends right away. Keep introducing them to each other in neutral spaces and eventually, they will learn to live together peacefully.
5. Other Tips:
- Make sure both guinea pigs are healthy. Pigs with injuries or health problems are more likely to be aggressive towards one another.
- It’s easier to bond two babies than two adults. If you are adopting an adult guinea pig, it is often easier to get two females rather than two males.
- Young guinea pigs should be introduced to each other between the ages of 3-4 weeks old at most 6 weeks old. They are old enough to be weaned from their mothers but remain open to socialization. If this is missed it will be much more difficult to integrate new adults into an existing group.
- Avoid forcing the guinea pigs together. Allow them to explore each other on their own terms and only intervene if one shows aggression towards the other.
- If the guinea pigs are fighting, separate them immediately and try again another day.