What should a baby be doing 3 months after Birth?

At three months after birth (about 12-13 weeks):

- Physical development:

- Holds head up steadily

- Rolls from tummy to back and back to tummy

- Sits with support

- Begins to reach and grab objects

- Legs are strong and can support kicking and pushing

- Sensory development:

- Focuses on faces and objects, following with eyes and head

- Prefers bright colors and patterns

- Can see objects up to 10 feet (3 meters) away

- Begins to make eye contact and smile socially

- Recognizes familiar voices

- Speech and communication:

- Makes vowel sounds (e.g. "ah", "oo", "eh") and consonants (e.g. "m", "b")

- Imitates sounds and vocalizes when talked to

- Responds to name

- Social and emotional development:

- Enjoys being held and played with

- Begins to show shyness around strangers

- Starts to develop a sleep-wake cycle

Remember that every baby develops at their own pace. If you have any concerns, talk to your healthcare provider.

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