What is the first thing and most important mom can do to decrease risk of having a baby die sids?

Put your baby on his or her back to sleep — every time! No exceptions. Back sleep position is proven to be the most effective way to reduce the risk of SIDS. Babies should be placed on their backs to sleep when the are napping and at night. It is important to remember to always put the baby to sleep lying on its back, even when taking short naps.

Other precautions to help decrease the risk of SIDS:

* Use a firm sleep surface free of pillows, blankets, toys or other soft items.

* Cover your baby loosely with a wearable blanket (sleep sack).

* Avoid allowing babies to become overheated.

* Do not smoke during pregnancy or after your baby is born.

* Avoid bed-sharing.

* Offer a pacifier at nap time and bedtime.

* Breastfeed your baby, if you can.

* Avoid letting your baby sleep in the car seat when not traveling.

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